Founder and Director, Honors Thesis Mentorship Program, Department of History, Stanford University | 2017 - 2019
Founded this program to address a need in the department for greater support of honors thesis writers by pairing senior undergraduates working on an honors thesis in History with dissertating graduate students. The program also contributes to graduate student professional development by facilitating five workshops on research and writing (winter & spring quarters) designed and led by graduate students for undergraduates in the department.
Event Coordinator, Department of History, Stanford University | 2017 - 2018
Graduate Admissions, U.S. History Field, Stanford Department of History | Winter 2017
Coordinator of the U.S. History Workshop, Department of History, Stanford | September 2015 - June 2017
Organized nine works-in-progress workshops a year for U.S. History graduate students and faculty and facilitated the logistics of visits by faculty guests including Prof. Eric Rauchway (UC-David), Prof. Bruce Schulman (Boston University), and Prof. Joseph Crespino (Emory University)
Graduate Representative, Faculty Search Committee, 19th-Century U.S. History | September 2016 - January 2017
Graduate Representative, Department of History, Stanford | September 2014 - August 2015
Organized events for first-year graduate students and represented graduate student interests at faulty meetings
Graduate Student Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of History, Stanford University | 2013 - 2019
Graduate Writing Tutor, Hume Center for Writing and Speaking | 2014 - 2019
Writing tutor using a non-directive philosophy to undergraduate and graduate students all disciplines
Technology Coordinator, Thinking Matters Program | Fall 2017
Facilitated faculty and student technology needs related to THINK 31, "Race and American Memory"
Application Reader, Stanford Summer Humanities Institute Admissions, SPCS | 2017 - 2018
Read and evaluated applications for SHI history courses, “Racial Identity in the American Imagination,” “Revolutions,” “Ancient Rome,” “The Age of Jefferson”
Medical Records Clerk, Kentuckiana Center for Better Bone and Joint Health, Louisville, KY | 2010 - 2011
Courses Taught | 2014 - 2018
Courses Design Experience | 2015 - 2018
Senior and Masters Theses & Senior Papers Advised | 2016 - 2019
Graduate Mentor, Stanford University Research Association | 2018 - 2019
AWARDS & HONORS (Selected)
Centennial Teaching Award, Stanford University | 2018
History Department nominee and recipient. Awarded by the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning in recognition of outstanding teaching assistants (TAs) for their tremendous service and dedication in providing excellent classroom instruction for Stanford students. Received in part for work developing and directing the History Department's Honors Mentorship Program.
Educator Award | 2018
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Received for advising Dana Chiueh's nationally-recognized paper, "Black-ish and the Pursuit of Racial Authenticity"
Fellow, Graduate Voice and Influence Program | 2016 - 2017
Clayman Institute for Gender Research, Stanford University
Ph.D. History, Stanford University, 2013 - 2020 (in progress)
M.A. History, Stanford University, 2016
B.A. History with Distinction, University of Pennsylvania, 2009 - 2013
- 5 years of program management and administrative experience in higher education
- 5 years of varied teaching and advising experience, including high schoolers, undergraduates, and adult learners
- 8 years of independent research experience
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Founder and Director, Honors Thesis Mentorship Program, Department of History, Stanford University | 2017 - 2019
Founded this program to address a need in the department for greater support of honors thesis writers by pairing senior undergraduates working on an honors thesis in History with dissertating graduate students. The program also contributes to graduate student professional development by facilitating five workshops on research and writing (winter & spring quarters) designed and led by graduate students for undergraduates in the department.
Event Coordinator, Department of History, Stanford University | 2017 - 2018
- Prof. David Blight book talk, "Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom," October 2018
- Prof. Steven Hahn campus visit and talk, “Capitalist Development in A Nation Without Borders, The United States and Its World in an Age of Civil Wars, 1830 – 1910," January 2017
Graduate Admissions, U.S. History Field, Stanford Department of History | Winter 2017
Coordinator of the U.S. History Workshop, Department of History, Stanford | September 2015 - June 2017
Organized nine works-in-progress workshops a year for U.S. History graduate students and faculty and facilitated the logistics of visits by faculty guests including Prof. Eric Rauchway (UC-David), Prof. Bruce Schulman (Boston University), and Prof. Joseph Crespino (Emory University)
Graduate Representative, Faculty Search Committee, 19th-Century U.S. History | September 2016 - January 2017
Graduate Representative, Department of History, Stanford | September 2014 - August 2015
Organized events for first-year graduate students and represented graduate student interests at faulty meetings
Graduate Student Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of History, Stanford University | 2013 - 2019
Graduate Writing Tutor, Hume Center for Writing and Speaking | 2014 - 2019
Writing tutor using a non-directive philosophy to undergraduate and graduate students all disciplines
Technology Coordinator, Thinking Matters Program | Fall 2017
Facilitated faculty and student technology needs related to THINK 31, "Race and American Memory"
Application Reader, Stanford Summer Humanities Institute Admissions, SPCS | 2017 - 2018
Read and evaluated applications for SHI history courses, “Racial Identity in the American Imagination,” “Revolutions,” “Ancient Rome,” “The Age of Jefferson”
Medical Records Clerk, Kentuckiana Center for Better Bone and Joint Health, Louisville, KY | 2010 - 2011
Courses Taught | 2014 - 2018
- Writing Fellow, "Writing in the Major: American Political History & Honors Section," Department of History, Stanford University | 2018
- Writing Fellow, "Writing in the Major: American Political History," Department of History, Stanford University | 2017
- Instructor of Record, "Race and American Memory," Thinking Matters Program, Stanford University | 2017
- Instructor of Record, "The American Civil War," Department of History, Stanford University | 2016
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, "Race and the American Imagination," Stanford Summer Humanities Institute | 2016-2018
- Writing Fellow, Bing Honors College, Department of History, Stanford University | 2015-2018
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, "Colonial and Revolutionary America," Department of History, Stanford University | 2014-2015
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, "Nineteenth Century America," Department of History, Stanford University | 2014
Courses Design Experience | 2015 - 2018
- History 209S, "Writing in the Major" with Prof. Jennifer Burns | 2018
- Bing Honors College with Prof. Kären Wigen | 2017
- History 54S, "The American Civil War" | 2015 - 2016
Senior and Masters Theses & Senior Papers Advised | 2016 - 2019
- Lorna Corbetta, The Lives of Artists' Books, Master of Liberal Arts Thesis, Stanford University | 2018 - 2019
- Zachary Brown, Race, Violence, and Identity: Loyalists, Native Americans, and the Making of the American Revolution in the Mid-Atlantic Backcountry, 1775-1783, Department of History Senior Honors Thesis, Stanford University | 2017 - 2018
- Sapna Marfatia, Pedagogy and Architecture at Stanford University: A Nineteenth-Century Paradox, Master of Liberal Arts Thesis, Stanford University | 2017 - 2018
- Constance Owl, Resistance of the ‘Civilized’: An Exploration of Cherokee Resistance prior to the Removal of 1838, Undergraduate Program in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity Senior Paper, Native American Studies Major, Stanford University | 2017 - 2018
- Marilyn Harris, Dobra Sestra: British Medical Missions in the Balkans, 1912-1919, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures Senior Honors Thesis, Language, History and Culture concentration, Stanford University | 2015 - 2016
Graduate Mentor, Stanford University Research Association | 2018 - 2019
- 2018: Acting mentor to Stephanie Shim, Class of 2021
- 2019: Acting mentor to Stephanie Shim, Class of 2021, and Lindsay Chong, Class of 2022
- Ph.D. Dissertation, “The Darker Side of E Pluribus Unum:” The Unraveling of Indian Territory and the Reconstruction of Native America, 1861 – 1907 | 2016 - 2019
- Honors Thesis, “State of Rebellion: The Dakota Uprising in the Civil War Period” | 2012 - 2013
AWARDS & HONORS (Selected)
Centennial Teaching Award, Stanford University | 2018
History Department nominee and recipient. Awarded by the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning in recognition of outstanding teaching assistants (TAs) for their tremendous service and dedication in providing excellent classroom instruction for Stanford students. Received in part for work developing and directing the History Department's Honors Mentorship Program.
Educator Award | 2018
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Received for advising Dana Chiueh's nationally-recognized paper, "Black-ish and the Pursuit of Racial Authenticity"
Fellow, Graduate Voice and Influence Program | 2016 - 2017
Clayman Institute for Gender Research, Stanford University
Ph.D. History, Stanford University, 2013 - 2020 (in progress)
M.A. History, Stanford University, 2016
B.A. History with Distinction, University of Pennsylvania, 2009 - 2013